We recently checked in with our first cohort of MSc HM&E graduates, and they are doing great! Of those who we spoke with, more than 80% are currently conducting M&E activities in their workplace, and more than 80% are mentoring others on M&E skills they learned in the programme, including the development of M&E plans, data quality assessments, and data analysis. Here is what they had to say about what they are doing now, and the impact the MSc HM&E programme at MU had on them professionally:

  • “It was easy for me to get a job in Monitoring and Evaluation positions. I was called for several interviews where I applied because of my Masters degree in Monitoring and Evaluation.”
  • “The Msc programme changed a lot of things in my career and personal life. In my workplace, I have been appointed to be Regional health monitoring and evaluation officer. In my current position I have contributed [to make] my region to be the best region in PMTCT Score card ranking during the third quarter. I have been involved in strategic planning for the regional elimination of pediatric HIV, regional acceleration of reduction of maternal deaths…and have been working with health partners in ensuring data quality in the region.”
  • “Currently I am responsible for all monitoring and evaluation activities of the programme, including doing quarterly and mid-term reviews of the activities implemented by the programme.”
  • “I have been assigned to conduct data quality assessments for quarterly facility-based HIV care/ART reporting for 62 health facilities.”
  • “I have been appointed to be Regional ME Officer and am involved in setting council HIV targets, in all planning and reporting activities, and in DHIS2 activities.”
  • “This MSc HM&E program is very good and it helps to improve program results and impacts and build a culture of use of data for decision making.”
  • “Thank you coordinators for bringing the M&E course in Tanzania. You made me what I am today!”